I beg you, give my regards to Mistress Squash, your mother,/ and to Master Peascod, your father. Good Master Peaseblossom,/ I want to get to know you better, too. (A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 3, Sc. 1, 169-171)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Travelling to Athens

Right now, I feel as if my wings are going to fall off! The other fairies and I have been flying day and night for two days straight from India to Athens. As if that wasn’t enough, we are flying with the fairy Queen Titania’s luggage and belongings on our backs. Let me tell you, Queen Titania has many clothes, which are made of the best materials fairy coins can buy. As I am the Queen’s most trusted fairy, she entrusted me with the honour of carrying the magnificent and expensive dress she plans to wear at Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding. It is extremely heavy but I carry it with pride because I know it is a great honour to be carrying such a beautiful garment and to be given the Queen’s trust to keep it safe. The Queen herself will be arriving in Athens after we fairies have set up a place for her to stay in the forest. She has asked the other fairies and I to make sure the place is sheltered and well hidden because she does not wish to see her estranged husband, King Oberon. We must also make a place for the Queen’s changeling to stay where he will be safe from the King, who wants the boy for himself. This is an important task and I will take in on with great care.

King Oberon and Queen Titanias meeting

Earlier tonight, I met the mischevious fairy named Robin Goodfellow or Puck. He told me King Oberon was in the wood and I immediately became worried about what could happen is Titania and Oberon accidentally saw each other. I know how much Titania hates Oberon for I was the fairy she would come to talk after her estrangement with Oberon.I knew I had to warm the queen of Oberon’s presence but before I could go to her, I heard the voices of Titania and Oberon. Their voices sound harsh and mocking. I knew nothing good could come of this meeting between them. So, I decided to go back to camp and hide the changeling so he would be safe. By the time I made it back to camp, I’ll admit I was worried about the possibility of a harsh storm as a result of the Queens anger and resentment towards Oberon but I knew I had to focus on the changelings safety. I found the changeling a hiding place in the trunk of a tree where I hoped he would be safe. I then returned to camp to await queen Titania’s return. So, her I sit while the wind around me continues to get stronger and the sky is starting to turn gray. Hopefully when the Queen returns I will be able to calm her so a huge storm does not arise.

Queen Titania in love with an ass!

I cannot believe what I am seeing with my eyes. Queen Titania has fallen in love with an ass!! I have no idea how, for he looks revolting with hair sprouting in every direction. He sings with the voice of a dieing man and has the intelligence of an ogre but Queen Titania seems to find this all endearing. As if my fair Queen falling in love with such a beast wasn’t insult enough, she has ordered the other fairies and I to serve the ass’ every wish and desire. I don’t want to be polite and serve him but I know I must because if I do not the Queen will surely expel me and the huge ass may crush me! He is continually making the other fairies and I scratch his head and cut his hair. It’s as if his hair doubles in length every ten minutes! He acts as though he does not wasn’t the other fairies and I to be inconvenienced by fulfilling his needs but even though they are insane requests we must fulfill them because if we do not, the Queen will certainly dismiss us. Thankfully, Queen Titania and the ass are asleep now. I can only hope that when she awakes she will realize it was a mistake to fall in love with an ass.

Leaving Athens

I have just returned to our fairy camp in the forest after an extraordinary night. All the other fairies and I (including Queen Titania and King Oberon) went to the duke of Athens, Theseuses palace. We blessed the newly marries couples who rested their. Their names were Hermia and Lysander, Helena and Demetrius, and Theseus and Hippolyta. Moth and I were given the task of blessing Hermia and Lysander by singing songs Queen Titiana had taught us earlier in the day. We fluttered into the room the couple was sleeping in and sung softly to them. We breezed around the room and sprinkled fairy dust everywhere. We blessed the couple with everlasting faithfulness and fertility. After we had finished, we left the house and went back to the forest. Now, the other fairies and I will pack up our own belongings and Queen Titanias. King Oberon and Puck will also be travelling home to India with our group of fairies. Hopefully Puck will not use any of his tricks during the trip home. Well, I must go now. I have much to pack if Queen Titania wants to be ready to leave by the morning. I have seen a huge change in her since her relationship began with Oberon. She is much kinder and for the first time in years she has decided to fly with the other fairies and I back to our home in India.